
Showing posts from December, 2006

Let by-gones be by-gones

  My good wishes to u all for the year 2007! Another year has arrived! Wow so many things to do this year, so many targets to fulfill, so many deadlines to meet and so many etc etc the list is endless. Grand plans or new year resolutions as we call it! New calenders, new diaries, new ..............., everything NEW. If it was not beyond our reach we would have got hold of a new sun and moon and stars as well! So what happens to the old and by-gone year? Dumped. Let by-gones be by-gones goes the proverb and we follow it diligently to the last detail! March forward and never look back.   At times when I sit back and think, rarely do I have the luxury of doing that though , I begin to wonder if that is really what we should be doing . There goes a popular saying "In our past lies i n our future". This has somehow caught my fancy for quite sometime now. The simple reason for such a metamorphosis of thought is the discovery of a recurring chain/link in certain events a

Life is calling............where are YOU??

  This is the refrain reverberating on everybody's lips these days. Some make it overt like the people behind the Smirnoff advertising campaign and some guys like us say "We're busy" or have fingers pointed at us "He's a workaholic". We work work and work believing that we are gaining work experience and then dream how cherished our CV will look while applying to the next available vacancy! There does not seem to be any personal goals that we are trying to achieve just working like zombies and expecting our salaries to be hiked in the same proportion. And then we proudly say Im so and so at so and so company and flash out our swanky business cards to prove the point. But dont we ever realise that all this will not lead to anywhere. We are living to survive and not living to thrive! We are ageing at an alarming rate and growing tyres around our tummies proportionately. We have turned into modern mechanics and common clerks and in the process complete

Does Daniel Craig succeed in making Bond cool again?

Hi! Sure he does! One of the most mesmerising Bond flicks i have seen. The opening scene was simply awesome and that was followed up by some really mind blowing action takes. This, being the first novel in the Bond series, the adaptation in today's modern world context was quite exquisite. That cynical look in the final scene when he comes his own with those classic words 'The names's Bond..James Bond' is a reflection of whats coming in the future. One thing you may have noticed that his drink, the martini which he immortalised with his iconic words "Shaken...not stirred" was carefully replaced by "I dont care which" when he had lost his money at the poker round. My sister says she hasnt met anyone yet who hasnt oohed and aahed over CR! R u shaken or stirred? Do let me have your views. cheers!
Hi!I've arrived at last!! After a lot of procrastination over a month and a half or so I have been reminded to get into the act. It was a friend who scrapped that she was going to visit my blog. what blog i thought? and then it hit me. by now i had forgotten everything about it - the name, password everything - quite a disgrace coming to think of it now! the only saving grace being that i had displayed the name on my profile. and then i tracked it down and have made a promise (readers may wince that promises r made to be broken!!) that ill put up something whenever i find time. ok thats enough intro to my lazyness. im running short of time for today (already!) but i do promise to get back soon - watch out till then.TC