Drive Your Destiny

I recently completed a year of reinvigorating this almost decade old blog. It was with a lot of excitement and enthusiasm that I openly declared my new found passion. My purpose was to bring to the forefront all anything and everything that affects one's life - from feelings to thoughts from experiences to anecdotes. My endeavor was also to contribute regularly, penning atleast once in a month. How have I fared one year down the line? Not too badly. Although I did not do it once a month, the overall average would be slightly higher than one, since at times I have posted more than once. What have I been upto in the meanwhile? In short what's the progress?

Plenty, I would say, on many counts. Since I took to writing, I resurrected another old time activity - contributing articles to the media. And was it pure luck or was it something worth it - I can never be sure - the very first article I wrote found its way (with amendments though) to the editorial page of India's second largest financial daily and was published across all its 13 editions in the country. That was a shot in the arm and there's been no looking back since.

One article after another got me more attention. In office, senior management started looking up since publishing articles was always considered the forte of the top management, with dollops of help from the focused in-house media team. For the first time a mid management employee had cracked the code on his own. Also, one senior media team member showed her immense surprise & admitted that it was after a long time that an article from the organization was published in print form. Now I'm writing in international media as well, on diverse topics relating to law and career development.
What is important from the above is that if you have a passion to do something in life, then you must make it happen. If you keep thinking that there you want to become a singer, a social activist, participate in a television event, learn a new language or simply explore the world, go ahead and make your plans. May be you are not entirely satisfied with your current job or the profession altogether. It could also be possible that your daily interactions have given you new ideas which you wish to cultivate but simply do not know how tor have the time to go about it.
Spend as much of your waking time as possible to look up ways to do it, plan it properly and then take the plunge. In my previous post I had highlighted the importance of time. It is anybody's guess that if we need to do a new activity we will need time. As my dear wife had quipped: You will always have 24 hours in a day. It is upto you to eke out time for your writing. That advice set the ball rolling for me and has been my mantra till date.  

Give that gut feeling of yours a chance to see life by regularly pulling out some time from your 'hectic' schedule. For a start, may be waking up a little early or going to bed a little late, whichever you prefer. Once you feel the interest growing you can increase the time. It is very much possible to focus on what you love, only if you put a dedicated effort. I want to assure you that the only limitations & fears that one has are in one's inner thoughts. Break the shackles once and see the effect. Make the effort once and check out the result. Believe in yourself once and drive your destiny. As William Shakespeare said 
It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.


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